Sydney Nicole Williams
Profesor/a Ayudante Doctor/a


E.S. CC. Experimentales y Tecnología


Matemática Aplicada, Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Materiales y Tecnología Electrónica


Tecnología Electrónica
Información general
Información general
  • Dr. Sydney N. Williams completed her undergraduate education in Biomedical Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, Illinois, USA which included a semester at la Escuela Técnica Superio de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación at la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Afterwards, Dr. Williams completed two master's degrees in Biomedical and Electrical Engineering as well as a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. After completing her doctoral studies Dr. Williams moved to Glasgow, Scotland, UK to begin a post-doctoral position on 7 tesla (T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the advanced methodology of parallel RF transmission (pTx) at the University of Glasgow. In 2022 she was appointed an academic staff position in Glasgow as a Lecturer in MRI Physics. In 2025, Dr. Williams joined as a Profesora Ayudante Doctora with la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Today, Dr. Williams remains as an affiliate with the University of Glasgow with continuing research projects. 

    Dr. Williams' area of specialty in MRI is with RF pulse design, an integral part of any MRI acquisition sequence. She is an acknowledged expert in pTx and management of specific absorption rate (SAR, related to tissue heating in MRI) management. Working with MRI physicists from the Universities of Glasgow, Oxford, and Cambridge, she led the organization of an international pTx workshop hosted in Glasgow June 2024 with 70 participants from across Europe including 13 invited speakers. Dr. Williams is the elected Trainee Representative for the ISMRM Ultra-High Field (UHF) Study Group, where she co-organized the international UHF Workshop in 2022 and now in 2025.

    Dr. Williams is regularly invited as reviewer for conference abstracts (ISMRM, ESMRMB, IEEE-ICASSP), journal manuscripts (Mag. Reson. Med., IEEE Trans.Med.Im., NMR Biomed.), and grant applications (UKRI EPSRC). She has been invited for domestic and international talks (e.g., Nottingham, Paris, Erlangen) and been nominated as an expert instructor to provide educational presentations at the ISMRM annual meeting (2020, 2023).

    Dr Williams has active research collaborations on pTx and UHF MRI topics with world leading institutions not just including the University of Glasgow, but the University of California Berkeley, the University Hospital Erlangen, Germany, the University of Twente, Netherlands, Max Planck Institue Tübingen, and Siemens Healthineers, amongst others.

Docencia y asignaturas impartidas en el curso actual
  • Grado

Listado de proyectos (Últimos 10 años)
  • No existe información.
Códigos de investigador