Ignacio Mauleón Torres
Profesor/a Emérito/a


Fac. CC. Economía y Empresa


Economía de la Empresa (ADO), Economía Aplicada II y Fundamentos Análisis Económico


Fundamentos del Análisis Económico
  •                   B.Sc. in Economics (UPV, Bilbao 1979), B.A. in Social Sciences (Deusto, Bilbao 1975), M.Sc. in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics (London School of Economics, 1979; Ely Devons Prize, and Mark of Distinction for the best results), Ph.D in Econometrics (London School of Economics, 1982), Doctor in Economics (Uned, Madrid, 1988).
                    Research Fellow of the Social Science Research Council (London School of Economics, 1980/81), Chief Economist of the research department of the Bank of Spain since 1982 (permanent member, on leave of absence since 1989), (full) Professor of Economics & Econometrics at the Univ. of Alicante (1992-1996), Univ. of Salamanca (1996-2000), and Univ. King Juan Carlos of Madrid (2000-). He has chaired the Economic Statistics Board of the Superior Council of Statistics (1991-95), and has been Dtor. of the Department of Economic Analysis of the Uned (1990-1992), Dtor. of the Department of Fundamentals of Economic Analysis (2007/14), Dtor. of the official Master's Degree in Modern Economic Analysis (2012/3) and Vice-Rector for Research and post graduate studies at Univ. King Juan Carlos of Madrid (2000).

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Logo de la agencia 'Web of Science' Web of Science 17 175 7 8 8 0,75 0,35
Logo de la agencia 'Scopus' Scopus 20 240 8 11 11 0,43 -
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  •                 Subsequently to research conducted for 6 years in the Research Depatment of the Bank of Spain, has carried out over  30 research projects, mostly as director, funded by the Public Company Foundation (dependent on the National Institute of Industry), the Institute of Fiscal Studies, the FIES/FUNCAS Foundation, FEDEA, the Valencian Institute of Economic Research (IVIE), the Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology (Cicyt), the Regional Government of Castilla y León, and the European project SPES. He teaches and has regularly taught postgraduate courses at the Institute of Fiscal Studies, the CEMFI (dependent of the Bank of Spain), the School of Economics of the College of Economists of Madrid, the IDEC (dependent on the Pompeu Fabra University), the Carlos III and Complutense Universities of Madrid, and the Universities of Alicante, Valencia, Autonomous University of Barcelona, ¿¿Vigo, Oviedo and Uned. He has supervised 12 doctoral dissertations, all Apto Cum Laude unanimously - two awarded a special prize and one European mention - presented at the universities, Carlos III, Alicante, Salamanca, Oviedo and Uned.
                    His research has focused on the fields of Monetary and Financial Economics, International Economics, Econometrics, and lately in Energy. He has published a dozen books in Alianza Editorial, Espasa Calpe, Banco de España, Uned, and Fundación Universidad Empresa. He has published over thirty refereed papers in international journals like, Economic Letters, International Advances in Economic Research, Economic and Financial Modeling, Journal of the Société de Statistique de Paris, The European Journal of Finance, Emerging Markets Review, Applied Economics, Empirical Economics, Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energies, and in collective works edited by the publishers Chapman and Hall, Oxford University Press, and the Bank for International Settlements. He has also published, over  fifty papers in spanish refereed journals, and more than forty working papers (mostly in the Bank of Spain, and the Public Company Foundation). Has been referenced in Econometrica (1984), the Journal of Economic Literature (2000), and the Financial Times (8, June, 2001). Belongs or has belonged to the editorial boards of the journals, Economic Researches, Journal of Applied Economics, Ekonomiaz, International Advances in Economic Research, and Energies (since 2020; with JCR IF 2.73). Frequent referee for national and international journals, and has been a member of the Scientific Committee of several international conferences.