Grupo de investigación de alto rendimiento en Fisiopatología y Farmacología del sistema digestivo de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos / Research group in Physiopathology and Pharmacology of the digestive system at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
    - The main aim of NeuGut is to characterize the physio-histo-pathological alterations of the gastrointestinal tract and the brain-gut axis in animal models of disease or after drug treatments, and evaluate new strategies (pharmacological, nutritional) in order to normalize those alterations. Among others, the group applies techniques to analyze gastrointestinal motility, both in vivo and in vitro, that are not available altogether in any other lab of the world.
    - Besides, the group performs cell culture and tissue engineering studies, as well as evaluations of visceral, reproductive and neurologic toxicity of different compounds (environmental, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, new materials, etc).

    - Physiopathology and histo-pathology of the digestive system and the brain-gut axis
    - New pharmacological and nutritional strategies for prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and disorders
    - Side effects of drug treatments on the digestive tract and the brain-gut axis
    - Visceral, reproductive and neurologic toxicity of different compounds (environmental, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, new materials, etc)
    - Tissue engineering
    - Cell physiopathology

    KEY WORDS: Brain-gut axis, Enteric neuropathy, Gastrointestinal motility, Visceral pain, Intestinal barrier, Histopathology, Cell culture, Citotoxicology, Cannabinoids, Antineoplastics, Heavy metals, Probiotics and prebiotics, Antioxidants, Coffee and coffee by-products, Schyzophrenia, Stress, IBS, IBD, Colorectal cancer, Metabolic syndrome, Diabetes, Obesity, Aging

Información general
  • Acrónimo: NeuGut

    Número de investigadores: 20
    Número de quinquenios: 14
    Número de Docentia: 20
    Número de sexenios investigación: 17
    Número de sexenios transferencia: 0
  • Estos indicadores se calculan a partir de las categorías de PDI funcionario, laboral permanente e interino.
    Estos indicadores se calculan a partir de las categorías de PDI funcionario, laboral permanente e interino.
    Estos indicadores se calculan a partir de las categorías de PDI funcionario, laboral permanente e interino.
    Estos indicadores se calculan para todas las categorías de PDI con una antigüedad mínima de 3 cursos como docente.
Proyectos dirigidos (Últimos 10 años)