María Jesús Alonso Gordo
Catedrático/a de Universidad
Director/a Departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Salud
Sexenios investigación


Fac. de CC. de la Salud


Ciencias Básicas de la Salud


Información general
Información general
  • I am Bachelor in Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid and I have my PhD degree from the same University in 1991. My professional career is summarized in the following sections: A) 92 articles published in JCR journals (61 in the first quartile, of which 17 are from the first decile and I am author of correspondence of 11 of them); in addition two more are under review and one more in evaluation.
    Competitive contracts / scholarships: Sandoz Training Grant in Pharmacology and Toxicology in the Biopharmaceutical Department of Sandoz Pharma (1992-1993); Contract of Reincorporation of the "Actions for the incorporation of Doctors and Technologists to research groups in Spain" (10 / 1993-11 / 1996); Scholarship to the initiative of Young Doctors, Community of Madrid (11 / 1996-10 / 1997); Extension of the Reincorporation Contract of the Subprogram "Actions for the incorporation of Doctors and Technologists to research groups in Spain" (11 / 1997-07 / 1998; 01 / 1999-03 / 2000); Research Grant of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, UAM.
    Teaching positions held: Associate Prof. (1989-1992, 2000, Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, UAM); Prof. Interim Head (2000-2002, Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, UAM, 2002-2003, Dept. of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, URJC); Prof. Contratado Doctor (2003-2009, Dept. of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, URJC); 2009-2012: Professor of the University, area of Physiology, Department of Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, URJC)
    Direction of 8 Doctoral Thesis, 3 Diplomas of Advanced Studies, 1 Thesis of Degree and 1 End of Master's Project.
    4 Stays in foreign laboratories: Pharmacokinetic Laboratory of the Biopharmaceutical Department at Sandoz Pharma, Basel (06 / 1992-11 / 1993); Federal University of Spirito Santo (Vitoria Brazil) (07/2008 and 09-10 / 2012); Federal University of Pampa- Campus of Uruguaiana (Uruguaiana Brazil) (07/2013).
    Principal investigator of 10 Projects (of which 4 are of international character), collaborator in another 28 (one of which is an European COST action) and member of the Cardiovascular Network-CiberCV from ISCIII. 
     Reviewer of numerous JCR journals and of several national evaluation agencies (ANEP, ACSUCYL, UNIBASQ) as well as of the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCYT) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina in 2015.

Docencia y asignaturas impartidas en el curso actual
  • Grado

Listado de proyectos (Últimos 10 años)
Códigos de investigador
  • MS AVENDAÑO, AB GARCÍA-REDONDO, G ZALBA, M GONZÁLEZ-AMOR, A AGUADO, S MARTÍNEZ-REVELLES, LM BELTRÁN, M CAMACHO, V CACHOFEIRO, MJ ALONSO, M SALAICES, AM BRIONES. Microsomal Prostaglandin E synthase-1 mediates vascular dysfunction in hypertension through oxidative stress. Hypertension, en prensa, 2018.
    CS MARTINEZ, JT PIAGETTE, AG ESCOBAR, A MARTÍN, R PALACIOS, FM PEÇANHA, DV VASSALLO, C EXLEY, MJ ALONSO, M MIGUEL, M SALAICES, GA WIGGERS. Aluminum exposure at human dietary levels promotes vascular dysfunction and increases blood pressure in rats: a concert action of NAD(P)H oxidase and COX-2. Toxicology, 390:10-21, 2017.
    PM SCHMIDT, AG ESCOBAR, JGD TORRES, CS MARTINEZ, DA RIZZETTI, SN KUNZ, DV VASSALLO, MJ ALONSO, FM PEÇANHA, GA WIGGERS. Aluminum exposure for one hour decreases vascular reactivity in conductance and resistance arteries in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 313:109-118, 2016.
    VICTORIO JA, CLERICI SP, PALACIOS R, ALONSO MJ, VASSALLO DV, JAFFE IZ, ROSSONI LV, DAVEL AP. Spironolactone prevents endothelial nitric oxide synthase uncoupling and vascular dysfunction induced by ß-adrenergic overstimulation: role of perivascular adipose tissue. Hypertension, 68(3):726-735, 2016.
    MS AVENDAÑO, S MARTÍNEZ-REVELLES, A AGUADO, MR SIMÕES, M GONZÁLEZ-AMOR, R PALACIOS, P GUILLEM-LLOBAT, DV VASSALLO, L VILA, J GARCÍA-PUIG, L BELTRÁN, MJ ALONSO, MV CACHOFEIRO, M SALAICES, AM BRIONES. Role of COX-2-derived PGE2 on vascular stiffness and function in hypertension. Br J Pharmacol, 173(9):1541-1555, 2016. 
    R HERNANZ, S MARTÍNEZ-REVELLES, R PALACIOS, A MARTÍN, V CACHOFEIRO, A AGUADO, L GARCIA-REDONDO, MT BARRÚS, PR DE BATISTA, AM BRIONES, M SALAICES, MJ ALONSO. Toll-like receptor 4 contributes to vascular remodelling and endothelial dysfunction in angiotensin II-induced hypertension. Br J Pharmacol, 172(12):3159-3176, 2015.
    PR DE BATISTA, R PALACIOS, A MARTÍN, R HERNANZ, CT MÉDICI, MASC SILVA, EM ROSSI, A AGUADO, DV VASSALLO, M SALAICES, MJ ALONSO. Toll-Like Receptor 4 Upregulation by Angiotensin II Contributes to Hypertension and Vascular Dysfunction through Reactive Oxygen Species Production. PLoS One, 9(8):e104020, 2014.
    JV PÉREZ-GIRÓN, R PALACIOS, A MARTÍN, R HERNANZ, A AGUADO, S MARTÍNEZ-REVELLES, MT BARRÚS, M SALAICES, MJ ALONSO. Pioglitazone reduces angiotensin II-induced COX-2 expression through the inhibition of ROS production and ET-1 transcription in vascular cells from SHR rats. Am J Physiol - Heart Circ Physiol, 306(11):H1582-1593, 2014.
    S MARTÍNEZ-REVELLES, MS AVENDAÑO, AB GARCÍA-REDONDO, Y ÁLVAREZ, A AGUADO, V PÉREZ-GIRÓN, GARCÍA-REDONDO L, ESTEBAN V, REDONDO JM, MJ ALONSO, AM BRIONES, M SALAICES. Reciprocal relationship between reactive oxygen species and cyclooxygenase-2 and vascular dysfunction in hypertension. Antiox Redox Signal 18(1):51-65, 2013.
    R HERNANZ, A MARTÍN, JV PÉREZ-GIRÓN, R PALACIOS, AM BRIONES, M MIGUEL, M SALAICES, MJ ALONSO. Pioglitazone treatment increases COX-2 derived PGI2 production and reduces oxidative stress in hypertensive rats. Role on vascular function. Br J Pharmacol 166:1303-1319, 2012.
    MARTÍN A, PÉREZ-GIRÓN JV, HERNANZ R, PALACIOS R, BRIONES AM, FORTUÑO A, ZALBA G, SALAICES M, ALONSO MJ. PPARgamma activation reduces COX-2 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells from hypertensive rats by interfering with oxidative stress. J Hypertens 30(2):315-326, 2012.