Acrónimo: TADAT
Correo: gr_inv.tadat@urjc.es
Web: AccederNúmero de investigadores: 11Número de quinquenios: 11Número de Docentia: 13Número de sexenios investigación: 9Número de sexenios transferencia: 0
Investigadores miembros:
- Raúl Romero Calcerrada
- Carlos José Novillo Camacho
- María Pilar Palomar Anguas
- Adrián García Bruzón
- Fernando Santos Martín
- Patricia Arrogante Funes
Investigadores/Técnicos de apoyo contratados:
Otros colaboradores:
- René Vazquez Jimenez
- Ana María González Besteiro
- Rocío Nayelly Ramos Bernal
I am an environmental engineer and environmental scientist with experience in physical geography and landscape ecology. My research has focused on assessing agroecosystems' condition and their interrelations with soil-related ecosystem services provision. I am particularly interested in the effects of drivers and pressures on the ecosystems' condition and the services they provide to human well-being.
Fecha inicio: 01/07/22
Fecha fin: 30/06/27
Entidad financiadora: European commision
Referencia externa: 101060415
Referencia interna: M2751
Cuantía financiación: 459900 €Investigador/es principal/es:
- Fernando Santos Martín
- Carlos José Novillo Camacho
- Adrián García Bruzón
- Patricia Arrogante Funes
- Cristina del Pozo Sánchez
- Pablo Martínez de Anguita D'Huart
Investigadores o Técnicos:
Sieber, I. M., Montero-Hidalgo, M., Kato-Huerta, J., Rendon, P., Santos-Martín, F., Geneletti, D., ... & Burkhard, B. (2022). Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in Europe's Overseas: A comparative analysis of MOVE case studies. One Ecosystem, 7.
Rendon, P., Steinhoff-Knopp, B., & Burkhard, B (2022). Linking ecosystem condition and ecosystem services: A methodological approach applied to European agroecosystems. Ecosystem Services, 53, 101387.
Rendon, P., Steinhoff-Knopp, B., Saggau, P., & Burkhard, B. (2020). Assessment of the relationships between agroecosystem condition and the ecosystem service soil erosion regulation in Northern Germany. PloS one, 15(12), e0234288.
Rendon, P., Erhard, M., Maes, J., & Burkhard, B. (2019). Analysis of trends in mapping and assessment of ecosystem condition in Europe. Ecosystems and People, 15(1), 156-172.