Andrés Losada Baltar
Catedrático/a de Universidad
Sexenios investigación


Fac. de CC. de la Salud




Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
Información general
Información general
  • Full professor at the URJC. Vice president of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SEGG). Teaching experience at universities such as Stanford University, University of Southern California or Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Fulbright Fellow in 2022 at University of California San Diego. Associate editor of the journals Clinical Gerontologist, Aging & Mental Health, and Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. Coordinator of the PhD program in Psychology of the Doctoral Program in Health Sciences (URJC), until August 2024. Director of the CUIDEMOS research group, recognized by the Global Ageing Research Network (GARN) and the International Association of Gerontology & Geriatrics. Member of INTERDEM and Ageing Mind Initiative. I have been invited to give lectures at conferences such as the International Psychogeriatrics Association International Meeting,  International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society or the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies.
    Principal investigator of research projects aimed at developing and testing the efficacy of non-pharmacological therapies for people with dementia and their family caregivers, and projects aimed at testing psychosocial correlates of mental health through the life cycle, mainly focused in older adults. In addition, our team has as a main objective the development and testing of assessment measures of consctructs such as guilt, dysfunctional thoughts, experiential avoidance, or ambivalence. Some of the measures developed by our team have been validated to other languajes such as English, French, or Finnish. We have published articles in journals such as the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, The Gerontologist, Aging & Mental Health, International Psychogeriatrcics or Health Psychology, as well as book chapters in books such as Handbook of the Psychology of Aging or the Oxfod Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology. 
    Reviewer for funding agencies such as the AEI (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) or the European Research Council. Our team has received prestigious research awards such as the Intanta Cristina, first price of the Caja Madrid Foundation, the Rafael Burgaleta or the Fundación Lafourcade research award. 
    PhD Students
    Cristina Huertas Domingo (2024). Postdoc researcher at URJC.
    María del Sequeros Pedroso Chaparro (2024). Research assistant at UDIMA
    José Fernandes Pires (2023). Postdoc researcher at URJC
    Lucía Jiménez Gonzalo (2023). Research assistant at URJC.
    Samara Barrera-Caballero (2022). Research assistant at URJC.
    Laura Gallego-Alberto (2019).Research assistant at UAM. 

    Carlos Vara-García (2019). Research assitant at URJC. 
    Celia Nogales-González (2015). Research assistant at URJC.
    Virginia Fernández-Fernández (2013). Research assistant at UNED.
    Miriam Alonso-Fernández (2012). Research assistant at URJC.
    Rosa Romero-Moreno (2010). Professor at URJC.
    Aníbal Pérez Peñaranda (2008). Professor at Universidad de Carabobo.
    Current PhD Students
    Laura García García
    María Béjar Santana

Docencia y asignaturas impartidas en el curso actual
  • Grado

Listado de proyectos (Últimos 10 años)
Códigos de investigador
  • Selected publications
    1. Losada-Baltar, A., Kishita, N., Jiménez-Gonzalo, L, Fernandes-Pires, J., Huertas-Domingo, C., Contreras, M., Van Hout, E., Olazarán, J., Martínez-Huertas, J. and Márquez-González, M. (2022) Cross-cultural analysis of the role of ambivalent feelings for understanding caregivers¿ depressive symptoms. Aging and Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2022.2116407 

    2. Cheng, S.-T., Li, K.-K., Or, P. P. L., & Losada, A. (2022). Do caregiver interventions improve outcomes in relatives with dementia and mild cognitive impairment? A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging. Advance online publication.
    3. Barrera-Caballero, S., Romero-Moreno, R., Pedroso-Chaparro, M.S., Olmos, R., Vara-García, C., Gallego-Alberto, L., Cabrera, I., Márquez-González, M., Olazarán, J., & Losada-Baltar, A. (2021). Stress, Cognitive Fusion and Comorbid Depressive and Anxiety Symptomatology in Dementia Caregivers. Psychology and Aging, 36, 667¿676. Doi: 10.1037/pag0000624.
    4. Losada, A., Vara-García, C., Romero-Moreno, R., Barrera-Caballero, S., Pedroso-Chaparro, M.S., Jiménez-Gonzalo, L., Fernandes-Pires, J., Cabrera, I., Gallego-Alberto, L., Huertas-Domingo, C., Mérida-Herrera, L., Olazarán-Rodríguez, J., & Márquez-González, M. (2021). Caring for Relatives with Dementia in Times of COVID-19: Impact on Caregivers and Care-recipients. Clinical Gerontologist. Doi: 10.1080/07317115.2021.1928356. 
    5. Losada-Baltar, A., Martínez-Huertas, J.A., Jiménez-Gonzalo, L., Pedroso-Chaparro, M. D. S., Gallego-Alberto, L., Fernandes-Pires, J., & Márquez-González, M. (2022)  Longitudinal correlates of loneliness and psychological distress during the lockdown situation due to COVID-19. Effects of age and self-perceptions of aging. The Journals of Gerontology Psychological Sciences, 77(4):652-660. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbab012
    6. Losada-Baltar, A., Jiménez-Gonzalo, L., Gallego-Alberto, L., Pedroso-Chaparro, M.D.S., Fernandes-Pires, J., & Márquez-González, M. (2020). "We're staying at home". Association of self-perceptions of aging, personal and family resources and loneliness with psychological distress during the lock-down period of COVID-19. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. Doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbaa048.
    7. Márquez-González M, Romero-Moreno R, Cabrera I, Olmos R, Pérez-Miguel A, Losada A. (2020). Tailored versus manualized interventions for dementia caregivers: The functional analysis-guided modular intervention. Psychology and Aging, 35, 41-54.
    8. Cheng, S.T., Li, K.K., Losada, A., Zhang, F., Au, A., Thompson, L., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2020). The effectiveness of nonpharmacological interventions for informal dementia caregivers: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging, 35, 55-77. 
    9. Losada, A., Márquez-González, M., Vara-García, C., Gallego-Alberto, L., Romero-Moreno, R., & Pillemer, K. 2018). Ambivalence and guilt feelings: Two relevant variables for understanding caregivers¿ depressive symptomatology. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 25, 59-64.
    10. Losada, A., Pillemer, K., Márquez-González, M., Romero-Moreno, R., & Gallego-Alberto, L. (2017). Measuring ambivalent feelings in dementia family caregivers: the Caregiving Ambivalence Scale (CAS). The Gerontologist, 57, e37-e46. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnw144.
    11. Losada, A., Márquez-González, M., Romero-Moreno, R., Mausbach, B., López, J., <