Ignasi Arranz Urgell


E.S. CC. Experimentales y Tecnología


Biología y Geología, Física y Química Inorgánica


Información general
Información general
  • I successfully obtained the degree in Biology at the University of Girona (2007¿2011) and my master¿s degree in Biodiversity Management at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2011¿2012) with two scientific articles in peer-review journals. I became a research assistant at the University of Girona working in metacommunity ecology and habitat conservation. I published two scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and gained ample experience in field research and the taxonomic expertise of freshwater biodiversity. I started my PhD (2013) with a part-time grant at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC). I was awarded with several scholarships to conduct my research in leading European and Asian institutions, and to develop complementary skills in experimental research, academic practices, and methodological techniques. I successfully obtained my PhD thesis (2017) with four scientific publications, four research stays in international research institutions, three international and national talks, seven seminars and workshops, and 750 hours of teaching courses. I was immediately awarded with a full career grant (2017¿2019) as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Concordia (Montreal, Canada) to work on North American fish diversity and to master community ecology analyses. I was then awarded with a six-month career grant (2019¿2020) at UVic-UCC aimed to model the human impacts on the sustainability and conservation of riverine fish communities in a Mediterranean climate region, to supervise PhD students, and the results are published in two peer-review journals. I was awarded with a full career grant (2020¿2022) at Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse) working on the spatial and temporal dynamics of freshwater fish communities. I am currently working on the project FRESCO as a principal investigator within the program Atracción del Talento (2023-2028) from the Comunidad de Madrid.

    For further information on my research interests, visit https://www.ignasiarranz.com/

Docencia y asignaturas impartidas en el curso actual
  • Grado

Listado de proyectos (Últimos 10 años)
  • Most relevant publications over the last years:

    Arranz, I., Grenouillet, G., and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Modulating effects of human pressures on climate warming-induced changes in size spectra of stream fish communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

    Xu, M., and Arranz, I. 2023. Maximum Entropy models predict the spatial variation in fish metabolic scaling in stream communities. Journal of Animal Ecology921203¿ 1215.

    Arranz, I., Grenouillet, G., and Cucherousset, J. Biological invasions and eutrophication reshape the spatial patterns of stream fish size spectra. Diversity and Distributions, 29590¿ 597.

    Arranz, I., Nobre, R., Cucherousset, J., Carvalho, A., Favriou, P., Garcia, F., Gimenez, M., Imbert, A., Marin, V., and Paz-Vinas, I. 2022. Promoting lab culture to enhance academic resilience during crises. Ecology and Evolution, 12: e8986.

    Arranz, I., Fournier, B., Lester, N. P., Shuter, B. J., and Peres-Neto, P. R. 2022. Species compositions mediate biomass conservation: the case of lake fish communities. Ecology, 103(3): e3608.

    Arranz, I., Brucet, S., Bartrons, M., García-Comas, C. and Benejam, L. 2021. Fish size spectra are affected by nutrient concentration and relative abundance of non-native species across streams of the NE Iberian Peninsula. Science of The Total Environment, 795(15): 148792.

    Arranz, I.ª, Hsieh, C. H., Mehner, T. and Brucet, S. 2019. Systematic deviations from linear size spectra of lake fish communities are correlated with predator-prey interactions and lake-use intensity. Oikos, 128(1): 33-44.ªthesis chapter