Grupo de investigación de alto rendimiento en Tectónica, Vulcanismo y Riesgos Naturales Asociados de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • The research group on Tectonics, Volcanism and Associated Natural Risks of the URJC (TECVOLRISK) consists of seven geologists and graduates in environmental sciences with more than 20 years of experience. The research has been developed in different geodynamic environments in six countries (Spain, Mexico, Portugal, Argentina, Chile and New Zealand), as well as in planetary geology in all the terrestrial planets. The current research is mainly focus on the Canary Island, the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and Venus-Mars. The TECVOLRISK is a multidisciplinary group in the study of tectonics and volcanic evolution that employ a range of techniques that include structural geology, geological fieldwork, petrological-geochemical studies (including radiometric dating) integrating those multiple data sets using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, structural mapping, and laboratory experiments. We perform analogue models of intrusive and tectonics processes affecting volcanoes in our new laboratory at URJC (LabMoA). GIS (including 3D analysis) and image processing techniques (including InSAR) are also fundamental tools for our research, available at our Remote Sensing laboratory (LabTEP)

    Move Petex Educational License Agreement 2024 Petex has kindly donated 10 educational licenses of the MOVE suite, valued at £1,928,384.01, to Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). The MOVE suite is a comprehensive toolkit for structural modelling and analysis, aiding in geological model accuracy and data integration. This software will greatly support our research and teaching, particularly benefiting studies in structural geology, geothermal energy, and earthquake hazards. The TEKVOLRISK at URJC research group expresses their gratitude to Petex for this support. Link:

Información general
  • Acrónimo: TECVOLRISK

    Número de investigadores: 9
    Número de quinquenios: 13
    Número de Docentia: 13
    Número de sexenios investigación: 11
    Número de sexenios transferencia: 0
  • Estos indicadores se calculan a partir de las categorías de PDI funcionario, laboral permanente e interino.
    Estos indicadores se calculan a partir de las categorías de PDI funcionario, laboral permanente e interino.
    Estos indicadores se calculan a partir de las categorías de PDI funcionario, laboral permanente e interino.
    Estos indicadores se calculan para todas las categorías de PDI con una antigüedad mínima de 3 cursos como docente.
Proyectos dirigidos (Últimos 10 años)